You know, like "His Favorite Christmas Story" or "30 Days" I mean, I like traditional ones and the ones that are almost in the middle of traditional and modern. But then people have to go and ruin them *Coughexamplecough*
I'm not a big holiday person. But I practically breathe music. So, you know. Do you guys prefer newer Christmas music? Or the traditional "Jingle Bells" sort of thing?
Oh, I'll be uploading another drawing, sometime soon. It involves snow and romance... Shut up, I'm a girl sometimes. Well.. I mean.. You know. I can be GIRLY from time to time. I hope it isn't often. I don't like being girly :I
I have been able to observe your two expressive applications you made on this website. I must say, I am thoroughly impressed.
Well thank you, but I'm not much to be impressed with.