I'm not too concerned about the ratings I get. I just feel bad that I haven't posted anything but these and a couple drawings. And I should probably let you know that there were some parts I didn't mention because they were kinda detailed and I was tired. And I'm too lazy to go back and edit that message. But honestly, (And I hate to go advice columnist on you guys) if I like what it becomes, then I don't really care what other people rate it. I was only gonna make it to show Jon, but I figured "Hey, even if they don't get the joke, someone else might like this." I know I sound like I'm defending myself, and I hate when I do that. So I'm gonna quit. And as almost always, a question. If you could make a video about anything, what would it be?
*Expected answer: "POOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRN >:D"*