Your first post is already here though. Unless you mean your Newgrounds Forums post. Then that's a different case. Otherwise, welcome to Newgrounds, and we hope you enjoy your stay here. Please feel free to send a PM to any of the moderators or administrators about any questions you have to ask, or would like to ask. At the top, you can go to the "Help / FAQ" button and scroll down a little, and look at the "Site Moderation" category to find assistance and/or people and/or moderators.
Your first post is already here though. Unless you mean your Newgrounds Forums post. Then that's a different case. Otherwise, welcome to Newgrounds, and we hope you enjoy your stay here. Please feel free to send a PM to any of the moderators or administrators about any questions you have to ask, or would like to ask. At the top, you can go to the "Help / FAQ" button and scroll down a little, and look at the "Site Moderation" category to find assistance and/or people and/or moderators.
Have a good stay!